Saturday, September 6, 2008

Trey's 9 month pictures

We finally got around to doing Trey's 9 month pictures tonight.

We started out taking them outside, but there were too many mosquitoes, so I pulled out one of my Alien Bees and bounced the light off the ceiling to get some extra light inside.

Trey got his first haircut this morning. He is also now crawling on his hands and knees instead of his "worm" crawl for those of you who saw him do that. And he is pulling up on everything. He is getting pretty good at standing for a second or 2 without holding onto anything and will probably be walking before we know it.

This was one of my favorite shoots this far, so I have several to post today. Enjoy!

Comments always appreciated!


Jane F. Smith said...

These are just WONDERFUL!!!!

Carol said...

Zoe these are great.