Saturday, August 9, 2008

Trey's 8 months pictures

We went to take Trey's 8 months pictures this past Thursday. We got out to the park a little earlier than we needed to for the light. So I wasn't real happy with the lighting in most of them. Though I was disappointed because about the time we packed up and headed home the light go much better! But Trey was getting tired by that time. Hopefully I will do better next time, but here are a couple of the pictures I got.

Oh yes and Trey is getting his first tooth, though he doesn't really like to show you. It was barely peeking through just the other day.


Jane F. Smith said...

awwww these are super!!

Beth said...

Good lighting or bad lighting, that is one cute little boy!

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the pictures! You had some good ones. Glad Mason is kicking! Trey is growing TOO fast. We were glad you met us for lunch the other day. Take care.
Aunt Judy